Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry
Sunday School (Every Sunday from 1 pm to 2:30 pm):
We offer two classes of different age ranges to benefit children at various stages of learning and social development.
1. Little fish: (ages 3-7):
This class is for preschool, kindergarten, and early grade school kids. Short Bible story, Bible crafts, object lessons, games, skits, songs, etc are used to teach little kids how Jesus loves them and wants to be their best friend.
2. Big fish: (ages 7-12):
As children enter grade school, they start processing new information with higher thinking. In Sunday School class, children start reading and learning God’s Word in the Bible, ask and answer questions, and discuss the application of the things they learn. They also praise God through singing hymns and serving one another.
Big Brother Big Sister Event:
The goal of this annual summer event organized by the children ministry team and youth is to facilitate the bonding and mentorship between the children and youth and prepare the grade school children for transition into youth.